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Celebration of Love: Part 1 (The Reception Party)


As we had promised, this time we'll post the story behind our BIG DAY! First part will tell you the story behind our BIG reception party. The definition of BIG this time is literally BIG, first reason is because both of our family backgrounds are truly BIG families, 2nd reason is this is the first BIG DAY for both of us as we are the first children from our family. So, the 'show', of course, was held with BIG preparation.

January 19, 2013, was chosen as our BIG day, exactly 6 years ago we were committed to have a relationship. Such a long journey! Also such a heavy decision for Gembul to pick me as his bride! ;p

To choose the vendor of wedding organizer was not an easy job, first vendor was suggested by my mother-in-law. Unfortunately, it was not like what we had expected, so we changed the vendor just 3 months before the BIG 'show'. A little bit in a rush and hectic situation within those months, because we have to go back and forth to the vendor to make sure every detail of the BIG show. Our advise for the bride and groom-will-be, do not change your wedding vendor 3 months before the BIG show! It's ok on condition that you and your partner have much spare time, unless you want many dramas happened from that 3 months to the D-Day! Like what happened to us! ._.

Drama Number 1:
Actually, we don't really trust the story of pre-marriage syndrome, however, it is real! Understanding each other is the keyword of this situation. One side should be more patient than another. The closer the day, the more conflicts arose. You and your partner should facilitate everyone's wishes. Just stay cool and smile, because it was not that bad. In our case, 2 days before the BIG show, Jakarta was sinked by BIG flood. See, everything was specially BIG for our BIG day... xoxo. ._.

Drama Number 2:
A year before the BIG show, Gembil joined one of the major sharia bank in Indonesia as Officer Development Program or quiet known as ODP, and the 'good news' was the graduation held 3 days before our BIG show and yet, the job placement for Gembil was still unknown until that date, January 16, 2013. Surprisingly, Kendari, South-East Sulawesi, was the place for Gembil to start her career as banker. Was Gembil go for it? Of course not! 3 days before the wedding huh?!This was the hard decision that Gembil needed to take, between starting new career and new life. Gembil chose Gembul, left her dream, and she's sure that Allah will give another better chance to find new career. Yeah, we know, very drama! :DD

Drama Number 3:
Ok, no comment, this was not for public consumption. Out of record. Ok. Go on with the BIG show story. :p

Anyway, our 3-months-to-go vendor goes to Zulfa Halim, thank you to Zulfa for arranging our BIG show with 'neat and tidy', though so many dramas happened as we mentioned before! Hehehe.. ^_^. We got a great wedding counsultant, Pak Nurhasan, with his kindness and patient, we could go through the BIG show smoothly. Thank you once again..
Suggestion: Zulfa Halim located in front of Tamini Square, East Jakarta, if you want to go there using your own vehicle, we suggested to use motor-cycle, otherwise you want to drive your car and bring your whole family, and get your car parked in Tamini Square, because you have to go inside an alley to reach the place. It's better to make appoinment in the morning arround 8-9 since the parking lots in Tamini are still easy to find, in addition, weekdays, because weekend usually they have so many wedding held, so they will not give you much attention.

These were the decoration that Zulfa Halim provided for our BIG show... Maroon and gold were the colours theme to picture the Melayu and Mandailing culture that we used. Gembil's mom comes from Mandailing, South Tapanuli.

And this was our wardrobe in Mandailing culture...

The Gordang Sambilan
Gembil's mom hired a Gordang Sambilan for the BIG show as the entertained music. Gordang Sambilan was recently claimed by neighbouring country of Indonesia, Malaysia, as their cultural heritage. FYI, these musical instruments are originally inherited from South Tapanuli. Gordang Sambilan consists of nine drum with a relatively large size and long (drum chime), and it is made of wood.
The-full-of-spirit Gordang Sambilan player

Meaning of the text (approximately): may the welfare, secure, and blessing towards you. (wish I'm not wrong! :D)

If you're interested to know more abour Gordang Sambilan, you may check this article and this one.

As GembilGembul walked along the red carpet (ihiy!), like superstar in academy award (booo.. yeaah, we know, ok, thank you! :p), this gordang sambilan played, accompanied the whole line.

The Dancing Ceremony and Mangulosi

As GembilGembul arrived at their 'throne', we still have to hold special cultural ceremony of Mandailing, it is called Tor-tor Boru or Tor-tor Pengantin (tor-tor namora pule). This dancing ceremony has several special meanings: to welcome the guests, a symbol of a husband as a breadwinner in the family who has responsibility to earn a living for his wife, also a symbol of a husband who has responsibility to protect his wife. That's far as we know... :D

The next step is called Mangulosi, to give Ulos (traditional cloth of Batak people), this ceremony should consist of several family members, such as uncle or we usually call 'tulang' in Mandailing culture, oppung (could be grand-mother/grand-father), and the rest of it... we don't know! Hahaha.. :DD
Because if you want to make a list, your BIG show will not finish within 2 hours as the time of your building-lease. In Tapanuli, persons who may give you the Ulos could not be random people, there are rules to determined the persons based on the family lineage. For my BIG show, only my oppung who did the Mangulosi, considering the time.

Ok, that's the festivity from our reception party, our BIG show, we hope you'll get something fun and useful from the story... xoxo.
We will write down the continues story of this part1, part 2 (The Sacred Moment of Ijab Kabul) and part 3 (Mangalelean Mangan and Malam Bainai), on the next post. See yaa! ^^,

Here we go our BIG Families!!!


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