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Showing posts from 2012

DapurSiGembil: Roti Jala Basic Recipe

Salam Readers... As I promise you that I will write the recipe of roti jala, so here you go my aunt’s recipe of roti jala… Ingredients : • 250 of wheat flour • 2 pieces of chicken eggs , beaten • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 100 ml of boiled water • 2 tablespoons cooking oil • Margarine to make pancakes How to make : 1. Mix the flour and salt , mix well 2 . Add water and stir until the dough is mixed 3 . Pour egg, mixture into the flour little by little gradually while stirring 4 . Add cooking oil and stir well 5 . Insert the dough in plastic (the usual plastic to make decorations in cake) and cut the plastic tip (only small cutting) 6 . Heat a nonstick frying pan and rub with margarine 7 . Spray the dough in the pan until forming nets , cooking in over low heat until cooked 8 . Lift and fold the rectangle Good luck! ;) P.S: You can make your own variation to enjoy this roti jala, if you like to eat in spicy and savory fla

Mulak Tu Huta: Journey of Exciting North Sumatera

H oraaas! :D Mulak tu huta in Mandailing language has a meaning of going back to kampong. ;) Rather be late than not at all, it’s been a past story actually, but I love to make a post about Gembil’s trip and family last year Lebaran holiday when we went to North Sumatera. This is a hometown of Gembil’s mother. This trip had become Gembil’s chance of getting closer to know the origin of my mother. Fun! We had a chance to visit Danau Toba, one of the biggest lakes in Indonesia with its uniqueness, the island of Samosir in the middle of it. Also, a chance to go to the real kampong where my great grandfather came from, since my mom grew up in Medan, and she seldom went back to her truly kampong so she also knew only a little about her kampong. My mom is Siregar, because my grandfather is Siregar, unfortunately, I don’t have this clan name, I can’t inherit it cause my father is not a Bataknese. That’s why I lost this clan name, because clan name in Batak people is received through