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Showing posts from 2013

Celebration of Love: Part 1 (The Reception Party)

Salam, As we had promised, this time we'll post the story behind our BIG DAY! First part will tell you the story behind our BIG reception party. The definition of BIG this time is literally BIG, first reason is because both of our family backgrounds are truly BIG families, 2nd reason is this is the first BIG DAY for both of us as we are the first children from our family. So, the 'show', of course, was held with BIG preparation. January 19, 2013, was chosen as our BIG day, exactly 6 years ago we were committed to have a relationship. Such a long journey! Also such a heavy decision for Gembul to pick me as his bride! ;p To choose the vendor of wedding organizer was not an easy job, first vendor was suggested by my mother-in-law. Unfortunately, it was not like what we had expected, so we changed the vendor just 3 months before the BIG 'show'. A little bit in a rush and hectic situation within those months, because we have to go back and forth to the vendor to m

Sunset: To End The Current Day, To Begin The Next Day

Salam, ^_^ It's been a year since our last update, well, time passed very quickly, and so many things had happened which changed our life. The most important one was our BIG DAY! Yeay! It was BIG for our BIG's! Hehehe... ^^, I'll post that BIG DAY of ours several days from this post published. With abundant of interesting story behind it, sad, happy, angry, confused, disappointed, mention every psychological word, yap, we have it all in our preparation days until the D-Day. Victoria Building's Sunset Have you ever seen sunset? I took this picture last Thursday from behind my window's office when my working hours just passed before going home. For us, sunset means the end of the day, however, it is also the sign that tomorrow will come as a brand new day. So does with GembilGembul's life, this year, we have closed our fascinating journey for 6 years long, and begin our new challenging journey for years forward. Insha Allah! Aaamiiin... ^^,